*{Cias->FR}[KM.t] Je m'ennuie
{LEDAfied->EN}[KM.t] I'm bored
**{Cias->FR}[KM.t] Je vais écouter de la musique pour m'endormir
{LEDAfied->EN}[KM.t] I'll listen to music to fall asleep
음악들으면서 자야겟당
***{Choco->FR}[KM.t] Mon grand-père maternel est malade et à l'hopital... Je vais aller le voir après le show. S'il vous plait priez pour lui, nous aurons besoin du pouvoir de vos prières...
{LEDAfied->EN}[KM.t] My grandfather from my mom's side is sick and at the hospital.. I'll come to see him after the show. Please pray for him everyone, we'll need the power of your prayers...
외할아버지가 아프셔서 병원에.. 얼른 일어나서 저 공연하는거 꼭 보러오세요 모두 기도해주세요 모두의 힘이 필요합니다...
****{Choco->FR}[KM.t] Concept modèle pour aujourd'hui
{LEDAfied->EN}[KM.t] Model concept for today!!!
오늘은 모델컨셉이었습니다!!!
***** {Cias->FR}[KM.t] Je pense à pleins de choses, maintenant que j'essaie de dormir~ Bonne nuit
{LEDAfied->EN}[KM.t] I'm thinking about such thoughts, now that I'm trying to sleep~ Good night
전 이생각저생각하다 이제 자려해요~ 잘자 자기