*{Cias->FR}[ST.t] Si vous voulez rencontrer HanByul, allez sur la chaîne Youtube officielle des Led Apple
{serendipity1004 ->EN}[ST.t]If you wish to meet Hanbyul, go to LEDApple’s official youtube channel now
한별이를 만나고 싶다면 지금 바로 레드애플 유투브 공색채널로 고고씽 https://www.youtube.com/user/steroyal
** {Cias->FR}[ST.t] Le 7 MUSIC NOTE! Les Led Apple chantent 'Kiss you' One Direction Regardez le sur la chaîne Youtube officielle des Led Apple ★
7th MUSIC NOTE! Led apple sings One Direction 'Kiss You' Check it out on Led apple's official YouTube channel ★ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V61F88XNM5o&feature=share&list=PLCp94KiOfBUJjbaGQw88mrE2uO-8-5twe …
***{Choco>FR}[ST.t] Ah, on a laissé un Hanbyul ici (‘0’)
{Serendipity1004->EN}[ST.t] Ah, leaving a Hanbyul here (‘0’)
앗 한별이를 두고 왔네요(‘0’)
****{Choco>FR}[ST.t] Kwangyeonnie est en train d'attendre sur Facebook maintenant(>.<)
{Serendipity1004->EN}[ST.t] Kwangyeonnie is waiting at Facebook now (>.<)
광연이는 지금 페이스북에서 기다리고 있지요(>.<) https://www.facebook.com/steledapple